medmix Half-year report 2023

— Business review — Healthcare review

medmix Drug Delivery: Re-Vario™ A

Healthcare review

Healthcare business area revenue limited due to high customer inventories in Dental

Our Healthcare business area comprises the Dental, Drug Delivery and Surgery segments, which produce and market a broad range of products such as dispensers, cartridges, mixers, tips, syringes, pen injectors for subcutaneous delivery of biologicals, and delivery devices for bone repair and tissue treatment. These devices are used in a variety of applications by our end-customers. In the Dental business, our products are used for prosthetics, restoratives, anesthetics and aesthetics. The pen injectors produced and marketed by our Drug Delivery segment are used in fertility and growth hormone treatments, and to deliver medical substances to treat diabetes, osteoporosis and rare diseases. The delivery devices produced and marketed by our Surgery segment are used by tissue banks for bone repair and bone cement in trauma surgeries, and by pharma customers in other medical substances for internal and external wound healing.

Key figures Healthcare

January 1 - June 30

millions of CHF






Change in +/–%


+/–% adjusted 2)


+/–% organic 3)

Revenue Dental











Revenue Drug Delivery











Revenue Surgery











Total revenue Healthcare 1)






















Business area cost of goods sold











Business area gross profit











Business area gross profit margin











1) Revenue from external customers.

2) Adjusted for currency effects.

3) Adjusted for acquisition and currency effects.

Revenue by market segment

H1 2023

Revenue by market segment

H1 2022

Ongoing high customer inventories within Dental

The Dental segment generated a revenue of CHF 53.7 million, an organic decrease of 23.9% year-on-year. The remarkable growth witnessed in 2021 and 2022 can be attributed to a surge in orders following the Covid pandemic, with customers concerned about supply chain bottlenecks as markets reopened, and to customers purchasing ahead of successive inflation-driven price increases. These factors combined to create abnormally high customer inventories and therefore a slowdown in new orders starting in the second half of 2022 and only now starting to reverse.

Strong Drug Delivery performance

The Drug Delivery segment achieved CHF 26.9 million in revenue, which corresponds to an organic increase of 18.0% compared with the same period last year.

We have achieved further success with our autoinjector platform PiccoJect through successful feasibility studies with customers and cooperation partners like Nipro.

In June 2023, the Drug Delivery team and DCA Design International received a Red Dot Award for PiccoJect in the product design category. This is the second design award that medmix and DCA Design International Limited have received for PiccoJect™.

We look forward to the second half of 2023 as our D-Flex injector pen prepares for its highly anticipated launch. The first D-flex devices will then reach patients, marking a significant step towards future success and growth.

Strong double-digit growth in Surgery

Revenue in our Surgery segment was CHF 8.6 million in the first half of 2023, a double-digit organic growth of 27.7% compared with the same period last year. The growth in revenue with tissue bank customers surpassed expectations, driven by the increasing acceptance of human tissue utilization in trauma surgeries. Moreover, Surgery benefited from successful co-creation projects with global orthopedic companies.