Notes to the consolidated financial statements
xx 01 General information and basis of preparationxx 02 Significant events and transactions during the reporting periodxx 03 Segment informationxx 04 Acquisition of subsidiariesxx 05 Critical accounting estimates and judgmentsxx 06 Financial risk managementxx 07 Personnel expensesxx 08 Employee benefit plansxx 09 Other operating income and expensesxx 10 Financial income and expensesxx 11 Income taxesxx 12 Goodwill and other intangible assetsxx 13 Property, plant and equipmentxx 14 Leasesxx 15 Financial assets and borrowings related to the cash pool with the Sulzer groupxx 16 Inventoriesxx 17 Assets and liabilities related to contracts with customersxx 18 Trade accounts receivablexx 19 Other current receivables and prepaid expensesxx 20 Cash and cash equivalentsxx 21 Equityxx 22 Earnings per sharexx 23 Borrowingsxx 24 Provisionsxx 25 Other current and accrued liabilitiesxx 26 Derivative financial instrumentsxx 27 Contingent liabilitiesxx 28 Share participation plansxx 29 Transactions with members of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and related partiesxx 30 Auditor remunerationxx 31 Key accounting policies and valuation methodsxx 32 Subsequent events after the balance sheet datexx 33 Subsidiaries