In our Consumer & Industrial business area, we provide our customers with high-quality products and outstanding services adapted to our customers’ needs. The Industry segment designs, develops and markets a broad range of products such as dispensers, cartridges and mixers for two-component adhesives and sealants for use in the construction, transportation, electronics, infrastructure and general industrial sectors, as well as in the DIY market. Micro-brushes and applicators for eyes, eyelashes, lips and facial make-up are the most important products of our Beauty segment. They are sold to a broad customer base that ranges from the most iconic names in the beauty industry to independent (“Indie”) labels and regional brands.
Key figures
millions of CHF
Change in +/–%
+/–% adjusted2)
+/–% organic3)
Revenue Industry
Revenue Beauty
Total revenue Consumer & Industrial1)
Business area cost of goods sold
Business area gross profit
Business area gross profit margin
1)Revenue from external customers.
2)Adjusted for currency effects.
3)Adjusted for acquisition and currency effects.
Revenue by market segment
Revenue by market segment
Strong performance in the Industry segment despite the impact from sanctions
In our Industry segment, we achieved a revenue of CHF 148.2 million compared to CHF 160.5 million in 2021. This decrease of 8.2% is driven by the erroneous sanctions imposed by the Polish government on the medmix manufacturing site in Poland. Although medmix swiftly increased manufacturing capabilities in other locations after the suspension, it was not possible to fully compensate for the impact. The adoption of adhesives and sealants continues to increase across multiple industries, especially in the automotive sector due to the ongoing strong sustainability trend accelerating demand for electric vehicles. Before the imposition of sanctions, we were on track for a year of high single digit growth in 2022.
In October, we acquired the plastics business of Universal de Suministros, a Spanish manufacturer of cartridges, mixers and accessories for construction and industrial adhesives. The team and the know-how in Valencia (Spain) will enable medmix to rapidly scale up production for its Industry segment, accommodating the growing demand from European and global customers, beyond securing existing customer commitments. medmix will invest CHF 20 million to ramp up production at this site with 110,000 square feet, creating approximately 180 new jobs in the Valencia region.
Our premium quality precision mixing tips and cartridges are designed and engineered in Switzerland, offering optimal, reproducible results.
The Industry segment delivered significant innovation milestones in 2022 as we look to the future despite the turbulence caused by the Polish sanctions: the launch of the first cartridge with 100% recycled materials with our MIXPACTM greenLineTM B-System, the upgrade of our F-System with a 100% recycled greenLineTM bayonet ring and the launch of the first MK dispenser on a post-consumer recycled (PCR) basis as a sustainable option.
With the acquisition of a new plant in Spain, the launch of cutting-edge, innovative products, and a resurgence in the Beauty segment, 2022 was a hallmark year that reinforced our status as a dominant player in the market.
Strong recovery spurs growth in Beauty
Our Beauty segment recovered strongly from the pandemic, delivering revenues of CHF 144.1 million compared to 126.9 million in 2021 18.6% year on year. Compared to other segments, Beauty was impacted longer by the pandemic due to continuing travel and retail restrictions in most parts of the world. The double-digit revenue growth achieved confirms that the market recovery is back to pre-pandemic levels.
In terms of innovation we launched several successful products in our new micro-bristle applicator range in 2022, with more in the pipeline for 2023. Applications range from lash serums to skincare, in line with our strategy of stepping beyond mascara, our historical core, and are with customers new to GEKA and medmix.
GEKA micro-bristle applicators allow exact matching to the application, product, and customer requirements while offering pure pharma-grade plastic with no use of glues, fibers, metal or additives, thereby reducing product waste.
Our Beauty segment had every reason to celebrate its pursuit of its sustainability goals in 2022. GEKA was awarded a B Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) by CDP for reducing the impact of its supply chain on the climate in February. The Bechhofen facility received an EcoVadis Platinum sustainability rating for the third time in a row, placing it in the top 1% of companies within the same industry. GEKA also released its first Sustainability report, further outlining the commitment to and progress towards the company’s sustainability goals. The Beauty segment plays a leading role in medmix with respect to the development of sustainable designs, materials and production processes. Products can contain up to 93% of PCR and bio-based material.
Definition of alternative performance measures (APMs): For the definition of the alternative performance measures, please refer to the chapter alternative performance measures.